среда, 4 марта 2020 г.


No Longer Available Update Location close. This driver will work for the following versions of Windows: Multi-card Support Aver MediaCenter 3D allows you to display the content from your system's single or multi-card setup in the same display window. The ads help us provide this software and web site to you for free. You may download one driver software related to the product you purchased to update your PC's driver software. It is prohibited for users to provide material that is illegal, threatening, defamatory, obscene, pornographic or which otherwise violates laws, statutes and regulations in the territory where users locate. AVerTV 3D includes an intuitively designed user interface with the most frequently used function buttons directly on the toolbar.
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Connect up to five devices on a single card and view any show from your phone or tablet. We will not disclose personal information and any personal information you have mpef will only be used on this Web site. However, unauthorized use of this company's software for commercial purposes is prohibited. Avertc, AVerMedia will not disseminate the contents of the information database to other individuals or companies.

Only download this driver. Customers may download information provided on this Web site within a reasonable range for non-commercial purposes; however, they must comply with the Terms of Use stipulated below. The continued use of this website will mean user accept any change. The absence of any trademarks or registered trademarks of AVerMedia in this policy statement or other parts of this web does avervt constitute a waiver of any rights or interests that AVerMedia has established.

It is acknowledged that the original software drivers AVerMedia provides may be modified by various hardware manufacturers for the purpose of different hardware optimization.

This driver was developed by AVerMedia. It is as simple as that to install a Windows driver!

The continued use of this website will mean user accept any change. The ads help us provide this software and web site to you for free.

Multi-card Support Aver MediaCenter 3D allows you to display the content from your system's single or multi-card setup in the same display window. The trademarks of AVerMedia may not be used without express permission. Intuitive User Averjedia AVerTV 3D includes an intuitively designed user interface with the most frequently used function buttons directly on the toolbar.

AVerTV CaptureHD | AVerMedia

Please support our project by allowing our site to show ads. Color Enhancement adjusts video quality for astonishingly sharp and vivid video colors. See any errors on this page? Be the first to review this item.

Intuitive User Interface AVerTV 3D includes an intuitively designed user interface with the most frequently used function buttons directly on the toolbar. Legal Policy avermedi Terms of this Web site: Aver MediaCenter 3D includes support for anaglyphic and polarized 3D display modes. This card allows users to connect to their cable or satellite vdieo box, gaming console and HD Video recorders to avdrmedia High Definition and Analog video content on their PC.

With the accompanying analog dongle cable, capturing standard and high definition analog video is effortless. Exclusive Color Enhancement Color Enhancement adjusts video quality for astonishingly sharp and vivid video colors.

Legal Policy and Terms of this Web site: Easily switch between channels, adjust volume, record, TimeShift, take screenshots, or watch immersive live 3DTV with a single click.

AVerMedia AVerTV TV tuner / video capture adapter - USB 2.0

Aver MediaCenter 3D allows you to display the content from your system's single or multi-card setup in the same display window. Appropriately reference to source and proper acknowledgement therein are also required, such as to make a statement "AVerMedia is avdrmedia registered trademark of AVerMedia Technologies Inc.

Jul 3 9: The archive contains version 1.

If you do not agree to the following terms and conditions, please do not use this Web site. Run the driver installer file from a user account with the highest privileges rights.

This driver works on Windows 5. Intel Core 2 Duo E 2. Enter new zip code to refresh estimated delivery time.

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